Judging interest for group buy 4D56T (Hyundai D4BF)


New member
At $4K you can get one shipped to your front door without being part of a group buy. I looked into getting a bunch of these shipped to the states about a year ago and it was looking like they would cost about $2600 shipped to the states so you may want to check with some other importers. To answer a few questions these engines make a lot more power than advertised. The figures always listed are the 4D56 out put figures from 1992. This motor has changed a lot over the past 23 years. I would say they make more like 125 hp and 200 ft lbs of torque. I have one in my 1983 MMM and it achieves around 28mpg. It feels like it has as much power as my 2014 Cummins. The thing just flat out moves and it does not care if you are going up steep mountain grades in overdrive. They are no where near as fuel efficient as the 4d55 but the trade off is worth it for the power.

Hi there. New member here. Do you have any connections to source a D4BF here in the States? I've been having trouble finding one, and stumbled across this forum in my search. Would love to get any tips or contacts on sending one here for cheap. Might be getting two as well. Let me know!


New member
Not in the USA. Canada yes. http://www.maxoverdrive.ca you will need to call him.

Ah darn. I actually contacted him a few weeks ago and he wasn't able to help. I recently bought a '91 Delica that overheated and blew a head on my first drive(!) It's been a real headache and I've been searching high and low for an engine but haven't been having much luck. If anyone reading this has a connection to get one to the US, I'd be very appreciative.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
These engines are really simple, the Hyundai head can be purchased and installed on your engine to get you back on your way. The new heads are much better than the original Mitsu heads, i suggest spending a few hundred on a new head plus gasket and bolts. At least then you can R&R your cooling system and drive your Delica for a bunch of years while you search for a D4BH.


Ah darn. I actually contacted him a few weeks ago and he wasn't able to help. I recently bought a '91 Delica that overheated and blew a head on my first drive(!) It's been a real headache and I've been searching high and low for an engine but haven't been having much luck. If anyone reading this has a connection to get one to the US, I'd be very appreciative.

perhaps a candidate for a 4g63t swap? :D


New member
the Hyundai head can be purchased and installed on your engine to get you back on your way.

And this would also be a great plan of action, but unfortunately we ran a compression test and it turns out my engine block is cracked. It's going to be more involved than a simple head install...


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Cracked block?! Has this been visually verified? These engines have steel cylinder liners making them almost infinitely rebuildable and less likely to crack. The block and rotating mass are stout, the head can have a massive failure and not hurt the engine. I've seen these things overheated to the point of canyons forming on the head, if you haven't pulled the head you should. I'd hate to see you shotgun a motor, what part of the country are you in? If you just don't want to muck with it and you buy a new engine I'm sure we could find a home for it here in Az ?


New member
what part of the country are you in?

I'm in Denver, CO. Thats interesting what you say about the block though. The mechanic I took it to is a diesel tech and sounded pretty sure about the damage, but said there was no way to be 100% sure until we pull the head off, which would be a big waste of labor if the engine did in fact turn out to be damaged... So it's kind of a gamble. It's expensive, but I also like the sound of getting an updated Hyundai version that runs stronger and cooler than the original 4d56.
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New member
Here's the only quote I've been able to get. Guy (located in the Bay Area) sounds reliable, but it still seems a bit pricey. Wanted to cover all of my bases before pulling the trigger.

" 1. D4BF: $3100/ea
-Add $150 for cooling fan and starter
2. Logistics Handling to Oakland, CA (doc prep, ocean freight, duties, etc): $850
3. Truck Delivery to Denver, CO: $400-500
4. Availability: immediate
5. Transit Time: 4-6 weeks
6. Payment Terms: Advance. Domestic truck delivery COD
7. If ordering multiple units, will save $200-300. "


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
How does the current 4D56 stack up against the 4M40?

The new Hyundai D4BH is like the old Mitsu 4D56 at about 100hp, the newest Mitsu commonrail 4D56 is at about 180hp and the old 4M40 is about 120hp and the new commonrail version 4M41 is almost 200hp


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Well, if you're already prepared for an engine there's no hurting it if you pull the head yourself. If you send it to Oakland is that price installed? Because that would be a killer deal, not to mention if you bought 2 engines there is a really nice 4x4 Delica that's been sitting for a few years also with a junk head in Berkeley.


From the perspective of "why not," it sounds like the head is buggered one way or the other, so if you have an afternoon free, that's all it takes to pull and engine apart, particularly if you'll be piecing it back together afterwards. I'm in southwest Denver (Ken Caryl area) if you need to borrow some tools or something. I've got baby #3 coming within the next month so I probably can't help out, but my tools will be sitting :)

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