EarthRoamer XV-JP "Northwest Edition"

fog cutter

More like this

Episode 1- Rich dude buys a $100k used jeep off of eBay
Episode 2 - Random dude picks it up and delivers said jeep
Episode 3 - Surfer dude remodels used jeep with stuff he used to make surfboards
Episode 4- Wacky dude attempts to turn the jeep into another jeep
Episode 5 -Transporter dude picks up the new said jeep....... The following has been brought to you by:

- expedition portal "You post it, we profit from it"
- red cannon outfitters "where our vision doesn't turn into reality"....

and you guys had me believing i was the biggest ballbuster in the room!


Expedition Leader
The Jeep is back at my house. Give me a couple of days to sort through things and I'll let you all know where matters stand.

Thanks, Mike


New member
In the process of doing research for my next vehicle, I stumbled across this thread a few days ago. Quite the dramatic ride as I poured over the pages of posts. Thank you for keeping it alive. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience within, and linked from, this thread.

Best wishes,


Expedition Leader
In the process of doing research for my next vehicle, I stumbled across this thread a few days ago. Quite the dramatic ride as I poured over the pages of posts. Thank you for keeping it alive. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience within, and linked from, this thread.
Thank you very much for that, Travis. Be sure to send me a message or e-mail if there's any specific information you need that didn't get covered.


Expedition Leader
The Jeep is back at my house. Give me a couple of days to sort through things and I'll let you all know where matters stand. Thanks, Mike
As with all XV-JP matters of late, I was overly optimistic. Given me a few more days to report.


A shame, but it seems like that's par for the course right now. Make sure you document and photograph as you go through stuff, I'm sure it'll help your case when things turn legal. I hope you're able to receive some sort of restitution for all of this. Nothing can fully recompense you for what happened, or where you're at now; but at least the means to make it right without anything from your own pocket would be fair.

You're blessed enough to not be stranded and vehicle-less, and that's something. Try not to let this bring you down too much. I know it's more than many of us could handle, but you've come so far and seen this thing through so much; I'm confident this situation will resolve itself into some sort of positive light. You seem too resilient for it not to.

Please post some pictures I would like to see what the issues were . Perhaps collectively we could come up with some ideas to help. Thanks


At this point, I don't know that posting pictures would be wise. He's already headed for legal action, posting pictures and speculating on a forum may damage his case. I think properly documenting it and keeping a pretty closed lid on it is his best course of action until it's figured out how to proceed with Red Cannon. #iamnotalawyer


Its worse than you think...

So have any of you gone to Red Cannons web or facebook page?

A few pics but the newspaper write up was particularly interesting.,2048&fbid=393200617550633

The web page.

Crossing the web page with the facebook page and the timeline here it looks like Dion spent most of his time trying to figure out if he was opening a stereo shop, a detail shop, or and Expedition camper factory. While it has been a few decades since I put myself through college working in a body shop I don't recall fiberglass fabrication being all that friendly to a detail shop. Maybe Mr Tesla had a super effective dust collection system that allowed one to sand fiberglass with an inline board and stay completely clean...?

Its also more than likely that Dions "Meetings with investors" that he was more than happy to tell Mike about was an attempt and an Indiegogo campaign.

It may never be proven but I have seen enough here to think that Dion and Red Cannon Expeditions perpetrated a willing/calculated con directly on Mike, which they also hoped to make much bigger with the crowd funding campaign and the suggestion of a raffle of a "2016 Model"

I am 99.99999% certain that Mike would win a legal judgement over these dealings I am equally certain there are (nor will there) be any assets or revenue to pay off a judgement.

So in the spirit of crowd funding I am going to offer up an idea.

Lets set up a "gofundme" page for the Jeep. With the number of users and views this thread gets a nickle per view is over $20K. A buck or two each and we have a ballgame... The fund is Mikes to allocate as he sees fit but he keeps a detailed accounting of what is spent and donates the excess to a local charity. (Something like this)

The build could be as simple as sourcing a top from Ursaminor and kitting out the back with snowpeak gear to having a local fiberglass shop attempt to continue the work that was started. I am sure Mike would love to document another build for us without the shadow of this affair hanging over his head. For those that say Mike has the $$$ and could do anything he wants anyway. You are likely correct but this is not about money, it is about motivation. This community has a chance to give back to Mike a commodity that he has given to so many of us and is in short supply of after seeing the Jeep.

Gofundme link:


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Expedition Leader
are you out of your flippin' mind?
In case anyone wonders, I've never met, telephoned, e-mailed, PM'd, corresponded with, or telegraphed Fog Cutter, and I have absolutely zero idea what I have done to get on his list of people to crap on whenever the chance arises. I promise that if I ever do learn what I'm doing wrong, I'll work at fixing the problem.

squeezer said:
Lets set up a "gofundme" page for the Jeep. With the number of users and views this thread gets a nickle per view is over $20K. A buck or two each and we have a ballgame... The fund is Mikes to allocate as he sees fit but he keeps a detailed accounting of what is spent and donates the excess to a local charity.
Chris, gawd love him. is a prince for saying all those nice things about me and the Jeep, and his support and the support of the many others who've written nice things to and about me since things turned so pear-shaped has been incredibly valuable. And his unusual plan is very interesting and gratifying.

But that said, we should probably hold off on anything like this. Not to get all Psychology Today on you, but I'm having a hard time even going out to the truck to start sorting through the situation, and there's no guarantee that I'll get my act together enough to put the truck back into service. Chris's idea of motivating me with the group's support is pretty cool and potentially pretty helpful, but I'm not quite ready to sign on yet.


This loss, is a loss. All this talk of going to court and all your legal advise wears me down. Surely there is no assets left to hunt for - so please let it go and get on with positive things and thinking.

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