DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend


What: Death Valley during president's Day weekend.
Dates: 13th drive there, 14th 1st leg, 15th 2nd leg, 16th last leg and 17th drive home.
Other option:
Some are driving there Friday instead and meeting up with the rest of us Sat morning at Warm Springs Rd and West side Rd Intersection.


UPDATED 2/10/14 AT 8:45 PM
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at ballarat
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 2- Thursday night at ballarat
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 9-10pm)
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 9-10pm)
5 - Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6 - Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7 - Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8 - Dmitriy - eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
9 - Greg - Jeep - 2
10- Nick - Jeep - 2
11- Sean - SoCalMonty - Montero Gen 2 - 2
12 - Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1
13 - Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3
14 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - 2
15 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
16 - Spence - 4D55 - 1983 Mitsubishi Pickup or GWagon 2-3ish
17 - Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
18 - Kirk - kmaclean - 96 Montero SR - 2 Friday morning Ballarat
19 - Sarwat (Russell) - stioc - Nissan Pathfinder - 2
20 - Dan - blackzhoe - Chevy Tahoe 33" - 4 occupants - SAT morning
21 - Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI night
22- Brian - bwickett - Jeep Rubicon with 35's and lift. - +1

Please check the list and make sure we are not missing anyone.


GPS COORDINATES ARE: 35° 37′ 1.68″ N, 117° 22′ 6.1″ W

Day 1
Here's a pic of suggested first leg of the trip, Thurs night thru Friday night.


I been to Death Valley a few times but by no means I 'm an expert on DV so feel free to chime in with suggestions or any important info you can share.

I did not expect such a response of participants and with such large group it might be difficult to please everyone but we'll do out best to make it a fun trip!
So far the plan is to camp on Ballarat Ghost Town Thursday night and start really early Fri.
I think it will probably take us 8-9 hours (about 50 miles) to get to Fri camp at the warm springs, we should hit the road around 9 am Fri.

Friday night Coordinates: n35 58.160 w116 55.642

FYI, I'm using the southern California "Well's Guide" along with other sources as reference for more challenging Terrain and interesting destinations while minimizing long washboard drive.


Day 2
OK, so here is the second leg of the trip:
We'll start early sat morning from warm springs canyon camp. (Depending if we end up there Fri night) and go north on West side rd to Furnace creek area.
We go hit Echo Pass/Inyo Mine.
We can explore other trails near by as time allows it such as hole in the wall, bad water rd or others
We will camp at Furnace creek are at either SUNSET OR TEXAS Saturday night.
We could set up camp once we get to the furnace creek area and then go explore Echo Pass and other trails this way we can secure space for every body.
I believe camps are 1st come 1st serve so no reservations needed.

Here is a map of the 2nd day's route for your reference:
Click image for larger version. Name: Day 2 route.jpg Views: 21 Size: 502.9 KB ID: 207102

Distance from camp to furnace creek is about 50 miles and from there to echo pass another 15 one way.
My understanding is that you can buy gas at Furnace creek but not 100% for sure.
Looks like the first 2 days we going to cover around 150 miles +/-


3rd and last leg of the trip:


We'll start from Furnace creek and work our way north towards Betty, NV taking the cu-off rd.

We'll take a right at to go explore CHLORIDE CITY, We'll try to make it to the CLiff to see the View and turn around and work our way back down to the betty cut-off rd.
We continue going towards NV and take a left to go explore TITUS CANYON.

After we get done with Titus canyon, we head south on 237 and find camp at STOPEPIPE WELLS.

I'll leave Sunday camp a bit flexible depending on how we are doing on time, we could always go back to Furnace creek if we happen to like the camp there.

Sunday we will cover around 90-100 miles, so plan accordingly

I'll keep this post updated with the latest info on who's going and what route we're planning. Please read the rest of the thread for additional details.

Only a handful of you guys have actually confirm what time and when you are arriving. we need to know your arrival time and date ASAP
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Expedition Leader
I'll be there...

Note: I'll try and update this post with the most current list of attendees and route information so it's easy for those who don't follow this thread to stay abreast of the critical details. For those not arriving on Thursday night/Friday morning, please post up when you expect to arrive so we know to expect you & check the rest of the thread for additional meet-up details that are relevant to your arrival time.

Last updated on 20, Jan @ 2:28 PST
Current Attendee's
# - NAME - SCREEN NAME - VEHICLE - OCCUPANTS - MODS - 1st Day of Wheeling
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - ROCKCRAWLER ready (if needed) - Fri
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Fri
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Sat
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - Sat
5 - Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6 - Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7 - Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8 - Dmitriy - eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
9 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
10 - Bryan- Jeep - 1
11 - Greg - Jeep - 2
12 - Nick - Jeep - 2
13 - Sean - SoCalMonty - Montero Gen 2 - 2 - Sat
14 - Scott - calledtocreation - Jeep - 2 - Sat
15 - Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1
16 - Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2 or 3 - Sat
17 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - 2
18 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
19 - Spence - 4D55 - 1983 Mitsubishi Pickup or GWagon 2-3ish
20 - Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor
21 - Sarwat (Russell) - stioc - Nissan Pathfinder - 2
22 - Kirk - kmaclean- 96 Montero SR - 2 - Fri

1 - Nathan - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
2 - Bruno - Chief - Montero Gen 2 - (maybe) - 1-2?
3 - Jason A - Monte (4x4wire) - 1989 Montero - 2 (maybe)
4 - Mark L - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
5 - Quinn T - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
6 - Richard S. - richard310 - Xterra - 2 - Sat (maybe)

Day 1
Here's a pic of suggested first leg of the trip, Thurs night and Friday night.
Day 1 route.jpg

I been to Death Valley a few times but by no means I 'm an expert on DV so feel free to chime in with suggestions or any important info you can share.

I did not expect such a response of participants and with such large group it might be difficult to please everyone but we'll do out best to make it a fun trip!
So far the plan is to camp on Ballarat Ghost Town Thursday night and start really early Fri.
I think it will probably take us 8-9 hours (about 50 miles) to get to Fri camp at the warm springs, so we should hit the road around 9 am Fri.

FYI, I'm using the southern California "Well's Guide" along with other sources as reference for more challenging Terrain and interesting destinations while minimizing long washboard drive.

Day 2
OK, so here is the second leg of the trip:
We'll start early sat morning from warm springs canyon camp. (Depending if we end up there Fri night) and go north on West side rd to Furnace creek.
We go hit Echo Pass/Inyo Mine.
We can explore other trails near by as time allows it such as hole in the wall, bad water rd or others
We will camp at Furnace creek Saturday night.
We could set up camp once we get to the furnace creek area and then go explore Echo Pass and other trails this way we can secure space for every body.
I believe camps are 1st come 1st serve so no reservations needed.

Here is a map of the 2nd day's route for your reference:
Day 2 route.jpg

Please post up if you have any comments or suggestions in regards to this part of the trip.
Distance from camp to furnace creek is about 50 miles and from there to echo pass another 15 one way.
My understanding is that you can buy gas at Furnace creek but not 100% for sure.
Looks like the first 2 days we going to cover around 150 miles +/-

I'll keep this post updated with the latest info on who's going and what route we're planning. Please read the rest of the thread for additional details.
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OK just got the day's off the GF nad I can drive up thardays the 13th after work . An Montero and Pathfinder


btw I am not sure if its close enough or worth it to you guys but there is 4x4 only road out of the backside of Red Rocks park outside of Vegas. It can be an interesting and pretty climb. I rode over it when there was snow on top which made it interesting on 2 wheels


Just saw Bryan(red jeep w/ Xmas lights) last nite at a bar in Sunnyvale and said he is going. Wondering if you guys are going to hit difficult trails that requires a modified rig? If not I would like to come. I am all stock with no lift or sliders yet. I believe I need a spare gas can but where do I put them since I do not have the bumper or the roof rack to hold them. Hoping it is just exploring or overlanding.


Expedition Leader
I believe I need a spare gas can but where do I put them since I do not have the bumper or the roof rack to hold them.
if you can get a NATO Jerry can, they seal properly, don't leak fumes into the vehicle, and can be strapped down in back using ratcheting straps and your tie down points.


OK guys, so it seems we already got quite a crew that wants to go.

So here are the basics you need to know:
- this will be a overlanding sight seen type of run for the most part, I do however want to add a day of four wheeling in the mix depending on who is coming and the capabilities of their trucks.
- We'll be traveling long distances so please bring enough water and specially GAS, I'll suggest 10 gallons of gas for emergency per truck.
- We can do all motel/hotels if most people want to go that route, camping for those hardcore playas! :) depending on what most people want to do we can make a decision at a later time.
- Motels are available on Ridgecrest and camping I believe near Trona.
- We prob spend a night in Beatty, NV (casino) maybe we win some money to pay for gas, :)

I need the following info from you that are interested on going:
1. Vehicle info and specs
2. Number of occupants
3. What's your level of 4wd experience
4. Are you interested on a "difficult" run/trail along the way.

Please reply back to this thread and add you info to it so we can see who is down and we can start doing a head count:

I'll start with mine:

Name: Carlos AKA cap510
Vehicle: 1994 Mitsu Montero rockcrawler (ready for anything) :)


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