theDangerz- still going, different rig, new adventures


Sorry we havent gotten around to this sooner, but thought it was well past time to start a thread of our journeys and meet others currently doing the same.

Many of you have helped out as we prepared for the trip others have helped along the way already, but we spent the last 5 years downsizing, prepping and building a camper into our bus.
From this:

to this:

You can read about all of our build/remodel/gear additions in the vehicle

As of July 2012 we officially are jobless, homeless and destination-less. We left our home in vancouver BC in August, toured the states to visit a few friends in Portland and Colorado, and have been in Baja for about a month and a half. chasing sunsets, taking photos, hanging out with the locals, looking for surf and driving our van like it was a 4x4 :victory:


yes, we still need to work on our video editing skills! :sombrero:

you can follow our story by watching the blog at
or, if you prefer to like and communicate with us on theDangerz facebook page


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Well-known member
Cool! How does jobless homeless and destinationless feel? We are going to find out ourselves someday, jealous for now.....


Awesome! Loved the video and song choices were perfect! I'm so envious! Not only do you get to be destination-less but you get to do it in a VW bus! Envious indeed!


Thanks for the support guys!
And Wiley's response is spot on. For the decade it took jen to convince me to do this and the 5 years we spent planning, saving, stressing etc- it feels F'in great!
I only wish i would have listened sooner...dont wait. If you have the dream, either do it now or set a deadline (and plan)now and make yourself keep it.

Christian- the only speed we have is slow...look us up when you get close or pass us! :victory:

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Thanks for the support guys!
And Wiley's response is spot on. For the decade it took jen to convince me to do this and the 5 years we spent planning, saving, stressing etc- it feels F'in great!
I only wish i would have listened sooner...dont wait. If you have the dream, either do it now or set a deadline (and plan)now and make yourself keep it.

Christian- the only speed we have is slow...look us up when you get close or pass us! :victory:


My friend has a solution for you in case you need to go faster....he transplanted an entire Porsche 911 powertrain - including brakes, steering wheels, suspensions, dash, etc. He had to remove the fuel tank and installed 2 custom tanks on each side instead.
Took him about 10 years to put this thing back on the road.

This bus is scary - in every way.



My friend has a solution for you in case you need to go faster....
View attachment 123379

Thanks Christian, but I think we will stick with our current speed.

Funny actually. a few years ago (before the bus) i lost my license for an excessive number of speeding tickets in a 3 months span. Now im wondering what the hell is wrong with the guys flying past us with the finger waving.

i know i was one of those guys not long ago, but these days im quite enjoying the view from the slow lane.

Jim K in PA

Funny actually. a few years ago (before the bus) i lost my license for an excessive number of speeding tickets in a 3 months span. Now im wondering what the hell is wrong with the guys flying past us with the finger waving.

i know i was one of those guys not long ago, but these days im quite enjoying the view from the slow lane.

So was I before I got my Jeep. Now I chuckle at the scurrying fools, and get where I want to go with a lot less stress.

Good luck with your trip.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Thanks Christian, but I think we will stick with our current speed.

Funny actually. a few years ago (before the bus) i lost my license for an excessive number of speeding tickets in a 3 months span. Now im wondering what the hell is wrong with the guys flying past us with the finger waving.

i know i was one of those guys not long ago, but these days im quite enjoying the view from the slow lane.

yep I agree with you, especially on a long road trip when time is not an issue.

the conversion may also not sit very well with the purist...

but that being said, you need to try it to believe it...a Split with over 200HP is quite an experience!



Fantastic!! That bus will go anywhere. I had a 70 bus when I was a teenager. It was unstoppable in snow and ice and I drove it offroad whenever I got the chance following my friends in thier 4x4's. I had no trouble keeping up.

Looking forward to following your adventures.


Fantastic!! That bus will go anywhere. I had a 70 bus when I was a teenager. It was unstoppable in snow and ice and I drove it offroad whenever I got the chance following my friends in thier 4x4's. I had no trouble keeping up.
Looking forward to following your adventures.

Thanks bugnout
We have indeed taken it any/everywhere. learned it would go about anywhere in BC when we kept going after 4x4s turned around...

I just cant seem to get it through my head that the bus isnt a synchro...but wheres the fun in that?
- we found out our second day in baja that we were driving along the baja 500 trail. oops.
- been stuck in the soft sand on the beach a handful of times. each time we let a bit more air out of the tires and it climbs right out.
- the worst roads thus far have certainly been down around the east cape at the southern tip of baja. Were sure we would make it up half the arroyos and if we hadnt of been so concerned about making it out each time we would have thought to take more/better photos and video... but its bad enough we wont be going back to try our luck again. ;)

of course, we also broke all three transaxle mounts i guess theres that to consider.


Song choice is perfect ENJOY! SO JEALOUS......

Thanks! My first time playing with video but it was Mucho Fun!
We are working on a second now for our review of our second month (and our time in baja)

we took the ferry over to the mainland yesterday.
Most people take the passenger ferry, but we hopped on board the cargo ferry with the shipping containers rather than throwing our dog down in the belly with the deidels for 14 hours...


even had some dolphins lead our way to shore!

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