The TARDIS - A Four Wheel Camper Build


another reason I think mounting the light bar above the cab on the front of the camper would be ideal is for security reasons- they are so expensive that someone would be tempted to steal it if it was low on the bumper - the higher mount out reach might detour someone ....

Overland Hadley

on a journey



*Yes, I know I mounted the GoLight backwards. When I thought about how I would use the light it seemed it would be primarily to illuminate to the side of the vehicle. (I want to travel with the light facing backwards so I do not have to have a cover over the lens. This way I don't have to plan ahead to use the light.) Because of the 370 degrees of rotation, mounting the light backwards means that I can move the light to the drivers or passenger side without rotating around the front. However, this does mean that if I am using the light facing forward I will run into the end of the movement 10* off center. Not ideal, 540+* of rotation would be nice.
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Overland Hadley

on a journey
another reason I think mounting the light bar above the cab on the front of the camper would be ideal is for security reasons- they are so expensive that someone would be tempted to steal it if it was low on the bumper - the higher mount out reach might detour someone ....

I was thinking of another type of security. I can turn it on and bathe the front of the camper in light. So if somebody is snooping around the camper at night I can turn on the light from inside the camper. (The wireless remote that controls these lights is super handy.)


very nice- multi use is always a good thing .... and again the factory could learn something from the Tardis...

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Work is progressing on the electrical....


Decided to change the layout on the electrical panel, nothing major just moving one item and changing the spacing from 1.5'' to 1''. It did mean scraping this panel and starting a new one. :( Ah well, best to start over now and make it just the way I want it.



As usual, your build continues to impress. Those GoLights are nice. Pretty sure that is what Marc Wasmman uses on his XP campers. I like the way you mounted that. I don't see any wiring in your photo. Can you please describe or show how it is wired? Thanks.


Overland Hadley

on a journey

As usual, your build continues to impress. Those GoLights are nice. Pretty sure that is what Marc Wasmman uses on his XP campers. I like the way you mounted that. I don't see any wiring in your photo. Can you please describe or show how it is wired? Thanks.


Thanks for the kind words Ted. :)

The Golights are nice, there are a few different brands of marine remote spot lights, but I consider Golights to be the best available. And yes, my Stryker model of Golight is the same as Marc uses on the XP's.

The next time I am working on the camper (might be a few days) I will take some detailed photos of the wiring, I worked hard to make it clean. But I can assure you it is wired and fully functional. ;)

Although, I have not been able to appreciate the full strength of the lights in dark, as it does not get dark until 10pm and by that time I am not at the shop anymore.


I was thinking of another type of security. I can turn it on and bathe the front of the camper in light. So if somebody is snooping around the camper at night I can turn on the light from inside the camper. (The wireless remote that controls these lights is super handy.)

Just will you see out of the front when you turn on this light. I was considering a night vision camera for this same purpose.Lots of good ideas with your build!

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Just will you see out of the front when you turn on this light. I was considering a night vision camera for this same purpose.

While it is possible to see forward by looking through the small window in the front of the camper and out through the cab of the truck, it is a limited view. Mostly the light would provide security by lighting up the cab area of the truck.

The main purpose of the Golight will be to use it from the cab of the truck, so using the light from inside of the camper as a secutity light is just an added bonus the remote operation permits.

Lots of good ideas with your build!

Thanks. Glad you find some of my ideas useful.


Founder of D.E.R.P.
It would be really cool if these types of campers had window/screens in the front so you can see out from the bed. I understand why they don't but it would be a nice feature if plausible.


It would be really cool if these types of campers had window/screens in the front so you can see out from the bed. I understand why they don't but it would be a nice feature if plausible.

The camper manufacturers that don't use the same style of roof support as FWC have forward facing windows - Hallmark, Phoenix, Outfitter, etc. Its a weight and complexity trade off.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
The camper manufacturers that don't use the same style of roof support as FWC have forward facing windows - Hallmark, Phoenix, Outfitter, etc. Its a weight and complexity trade off.

Skampers also have front and rear windows in the pop top. Every thing in life is a compromise.

Overland Hadley

on a journey

As usual, your build continues to impress. Those GoLights are nice. Pretty sure that is what Marc Wasmman uses on his XP campers. I like the way you mounted that. I don't see any wiring in your photo. Can you please describe or show how it is wired? Thanks.


The mounting plate has shims to raise it above the trim strip and the screws. This gives a nice space to run the wires. There is a hole drilled in the floor of the cabover to bring the wires inside the camper, the hole is located above the mounting plate. After the wires were run through it was filled with silicone to seal it.



I drilled a hole in the base of the light to run the wires out the side. I then covered the wires with a protective wrap, and siliconed the hole in the light.


On the inside the wires are run along the side of the cabover (inside a protective wrap before going inside the wall) to the electrical panel on the front wall of the camper. I did not have time to pop the top and take some photos of the wire run inside, but I will do that next time I am inside the camper.

Let me know if you have any other questions or thoughts. :)

p.s. I had the chance to test the light after fireworks on the 4th. It is beyond impressive. It is a tight spot focus of light, with a nice soft spread of flood light up close. In fact, I upset the neighbors half a block away by mistakenly shinning the light on their house, I was having too much fun with the remote control.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Was able to finish the layout on the new electrical panel today.

The wood was a scrap, so there are a couple lines on it that are from the previous cuts, but you can get a general idea of the layout for the hole saw cuts.


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