1976 Chevrolet Blazer Chalet (Utah)


Former Chalet owner
This one is serial # 0158, built in 6/76, owned by one of the guys in our Yahoo Chalet owners forum. He rescued it from a junkyard in Pocatello Idaho a few years ago. If you click on the photo link in my old post here you can see what it looked like back then. As he notes in his ad, it has rust problems, those can be terminal in old Blazers, hence his not-too-optimistic price.

Not so far away to the east is another KSL.com ad for Chalet #1004, which will need reassembly: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=218&ad=20195929


Expedition Leader
How "long" are the bottom portions of these campers...they can't be much longer than 5 feet?


Former Chalet owner
How "long" are the bottom portions of these campers...they can't be much longer than 5 feet?
Though I've looked through my computer files on these, I can't find the spiffy drawing I created of all the interior floor area dimensions when I temporarily removed my closet. It's around somewhere....

Anyway, consider how these camper units overhang out back by about two feet, and then add the length of what you find in a standard Blazer of that vintage from the tailgate area to immediately behind the front seats. One description of these I read said the interiors were much more roomy than anyone expects.

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