Upgrading to 04 DII should I bother???

College Kid

Just looking for some more thoughts on this as I am not sure which road to take.

I currently own a 2000 DII, with 325,000km on it. It has its issues and I have worked through most of them over the past 2 years. I still have a few issues to go but it has been a great truck even with its issues. I have put a lift a new front bumper/winch, lots of little fixes like washer jets etc. There are a few more things to do, replace the cats $$$$$, as well as some rust that I need to get ahead of on the roof and door panels. I also have a few goodies saved up that are waiting to go on, snorkel/lights etc. Before true camping season gets here.

Now the dilemma, after all the posts on CDL I was thinking of doing the conversion and adding it to the truck, I am also still fighting with a few engine issues although I think most of them will be solved once I replace the cats (miss firing, running rich). I have also toyed with the idea of a face lift swap, but that is more for cosmetics more than anything.

I have come across a 2004 DII with 130,000km on it. As it has been discussed to death here that if one had the choice in DII's it is the best version of the model. The seller is letting it go cheap as he is in need of a pickup, as well he recently move up to Canada from the US and the truck will need to have a few modifications if he is to register it here (running lights etc.) The other part of the equation is that the truck was in an accident earlier in its life, head on with a Yukon. Airbags went off and there was front end damage, all of this has been fixed replaced and seller has had it on the road for over the past 2 years.

So my dilemmas is do I flog my current DII for a newer version? I can see plus to going both way and I can see minus as well. What would you do?

Here is a link to his ad:


Expedition Leader
As an owner of a Rover that has had major bodywork done to it, I would tread carefully.

if your truck is already built the way you want it, adding CDL is cheap. Front output housing can be taken off a wrecked vehicle (tcases can be had for $250 or less)



I agree, I'd stick with what you got. You already know the truck, you've worked out issues it's already had and adding CDL would be easier/cheaper than dealing with a disco that might not have just the "normal" disco issues since it's been wrecked. Just my opinion. Good luck with your decision. As for the face lift, if that's a big thing to you, I'd do it to your current one.


I think what really stood out to me from what you typed there was

1. Its a US truck and it will need things to make it register in Canada. Don't forget this also means the speedo is in miles..ect. That is something I personally wouldn't want to dabble in.

2. Collision. Again, personally I would never buy a vehicle that has been in an accident. Even if they 'fix everything' you don't Reeallly know what has been done to everything. Going head on into a Yukon is no small crash either, unless it was in a parking lot. Knowing the electrical issues you might have with a DII, I certainly wouldn't want one that was in a crash. Also, you don't Reaally know who fixed it or how well the work was done after the crash.

If I had to choose between my well known car that was getting long in the tooth, and a new one with few KM's yes, but with a very questionable history, I would stick with my current car. Or, I would get a DI, or a different DII, with more/less km's but a better history. That said even with the helluva go around with my Disco, I still wouldn't touch a DII. I'm sure yours has treated you well but, not my cup of tea.


I just read over the ad again, 'previously written off, but will pass safety with flying colours'. I was told that my truck, which appeared to look great, would pass with flying colours as well. Well, several thousand dollars later let me tell you that was a crock of ****. BEFORE you buy it get it taken to a proper LR mechanic get him to look at it, and if he says walk thats just what I would do. You can find clean DII's for that price range that arn't from the states and weren't in a major accident.


The only mechanical difference between your truck and the 04 DII is the 4.6 block and the trasfer case with functioning CDL. For the difference in price that you'd sell your truck for, and the price you'd pay to get the 04 (along with getting it legal in Canada), you can get your truck's remaining issues sorted out. If I were you, having owned a 99 and 02 DII. I'd keep what I got, be cause I know what I have and what it needs. Otherwise, you're taking a risk to pay additional money buying something unknown.

Put down the "bolt on's" for now and use your money to fix the mechanical, rust and any interior issues.


Supporting Sponsor
while not convenient, a 10mm spanner will engage/disengage the CDL from below- you have the correct T-case w/ nipple.
Old sayings are so for a reason, and in this case a bird in the hand....


Central Scrutinizer
"Previously written off" to me says it was totaled, then rebuilt. At best a rebuilt vehicle is worth about half of the going price of one that has not been wrecked. With that and the added headaches associated with importation, I'd recommend you stick with what you got.

College Kid

Have you checked your transfer case? It should have CDL, then you only need a shifter.

Yep I only need the new shifter. But the shifter alone is still abit of money if you can find one.

I have engaged it on the trail a number of times hence why I am thinking a shifter would be nice.

Thanks for all your comments, I am thinking I am going to give it a pass. I am still keeping my eyes open for a 04 but that is more the same as I am keeping my eye open for a 2A as well.
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I got my 04 shifter for $150 US. I found several D1 shifters for under $100. Installing the 04 shifter is easy, I just did it along with a transfer case swap, that's the hard part.


Yep I only need the new shifter. But the shifter alone is still abit of money if you can find one.

I have engaged it on the trail a number of times hence why I am thinking a shifter would be nice.

Thanks for all your comments, I am thinking I am going to give it a pass. I am still keeping my eyes open for a 04 but that is more the same as I am keeping my eye open for a 2A as well.

I am confused...your comments above seem to suggest that you are concerned about the cost of the CDL shifter? Am I reading that correctly? Yet, you are tossing around buying an 04 (albiet, rebuilt total)?? How can you afford an 04 yet, the cost of a CDL shifter is a big deal? I think your user name speaks volumes.

Again, keep your current truck. Quit bolting **** on until you get it properly sorted, and grow up. Then decide whether to buy another truck or not.

College Kid

Thanks for the insult but my name doesn't have anything to do with my age, I've being wheeling for over 15 years and have never just bolted **** on to any rig I have ever owned. I am meticulous about the way I spend money on my trucks, I only add things that are going to keep my family and I safe in the back country.

So to clarify. The reason I am concerned about the cost of the CDL shifter mod is that my truck has 325,000km on it. I haven't met anyone that has more mileage on a DII. My thought process is; and why I started this thread, should I continue to put money into parts that I can't take off and add to an 04 with alot less milage and the CDL? Or do I keep adding to my current truck and not worry about the high milage.

I expect to run this truck till it dies, and then purchase another DII, and then unbolt all the **** I have on this one and bolt it to the new truck. It is better to buy parts once rather than again and again for every truck you own. I have like many on this site used the same lights and winches on mulitple trucks I have owned.

As stated above I am going to be passing on this truck, with the issues around the accident. I will continue to keep my eye open for a 04 shifter to add to my truck. If anyone has a line on one let me know.


Thanks for the insult but my name doesn't have anything to do with my age, I've being wheeling for over 15 years and have never just bolted **** on to any rig I have ever owned. I am meticulous about the way I spend money on my trucks, I only add things that are going to keep my family and I safe in the back country.

So to clarify. The reason I am concerned about the cost of the CDL shifter mod is that my truck has 325,000km on it. I haven't met anyone that has more mileage on a DII. My thought process is; and why I started this thread, should I continue to put money into parts that I can't take off and add to an 04 with alot less milage and the CDL? Or do I keep adding to my current truck and not worry about the high mileage.

I expect to run this truck till it dies, and then purchase another DII, and then unbolt all the **** I have on this one and bolt it to the new truck. It is better to buy parts once rather than again and again for every truck you own. I have like many on this site used the same lights and winches on mulitple trucks I have owned.

As stated above I am going to be passing on this truck, with the issues around the accident. I will continue to keep my eye open for a 04 shifter to add to my truck. If anyone has a line on one let me know.

Well I certainly apologize for insulting you. However, since Discos and some RR Classics have gotten to be pretty cheap, there seems to be more "kids" buying them and immediately bolting "stuff" on. They start asking questions that dont make sense (even financial sense). Your post seemed to suggest that, when questioning the cost of a shifter while contemplating the purchase of an 04.

Again, keep what you have (and you seem to agree). Also, start putting money away for the inevitable big repairs (engine, t-box, transmission, etc.). You'll probably find that you'll save money in the long run.


Thanks for the insult but my name doesn't have anything to do with my age, I've being wheeling for over 15 years and have never just bolted **** on to any rig I have ever owned. I am meticulous about the way I spend money on my trucks, I only add things that are going to keep my family and I safe in the back country.

So to clarify. The reason I am concerned about the cost of the CDL shifter mod is that my truck has 325,000km on it. I haven't met anyone that has more mileage on a DII. My thought process is; and why I started this thread, should I continue to put money into parts that I can't take off and add to an 04 with alot less milage and the CDL? Or do I keep adding to my current truck and not worry about the high milage.

I expect to run this truck till it dies, and then purchase another DII, and then unbolt all the **** I have on this one and bolt it to the new truck. It is better to buy parts once rather than again and again for every truck you own. I have like many on this site used the same lights and winches on mulitple trucks I have owned.

As stated above I am going to be passing on this truck, with the issues around the accident. I will continue to keep my eye open for a 04 shifter to add to my truck. If anyone has a line on one let me know.

The guy I take my truck two has 335k on his DI. So you are up there. But, it has a manual in it, which I'm assuming he put in himself, among other changes to the truck. He took me for a spin in it though, and you would never know. The engine pulled strong.

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