replacing flip pac torsion bar


Curious to see how things turn out for you and how long it ultimately takes. Have you considered filing a BBB complaint or is the company even registered? You should be able to get the straight scoop - are the bars now coming from China? Maybe a funding issue?

Ask FRP where the buck stops and that will tell you a lot about the company. Please share what you find out. And NO, in my opinion you absolutely should NOT have to call them for status - are you kidding???
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New member
Flip Pac, Don't do it!

OK. I've really had it. Just called Flip Pac again, and again I've gotten the run around. They've given me the same excuse they always do, "we didn't get the torsion bars in this week, but are expecting them next week. You should call back then". I reminded them that I've had my name on the list for a replacement bar for SIX MONTHS, and that every time I've called I've gotten that exact message "they didn't come in, try next week". After I told her this, she switched tactics. This time it was "oh, you ordered them back in March, yeah we had them in back then I'm not sure why you didn't get one. I'll have the girl who took your order to call you back" This is funny...over my months of calling, I've been told I will be "called back" by Diane, by the manager, and now by "the girl who took my order". And you know what, they never call. NEVER. It's an excuse to get me off the phone because they know they are full of ********.

I'd be surprised if the Flip Pac was still being made in another year. These are the moves of a failing company. And even if they are, I REALLY doubt the quality is going to get any better. If you are thinking of buying one, I'd recommend looking at a different product, or maybe going through Adventure Trailers.

Here is a fact, the pure un-emotional truth. My bar broke within 2 years. Flip Pac will not replace it. So, now I've got a $4,ooo useless piece-o-******** on top of my car. And I'm definitely not the only one who's gone through this.

Now with a little emotion... ******** You FRP.


Probably a $$$ issue...Long shot maybe but I wonder if John over at Ursa Minor could get you a replacement or have you checked with the guys at AT?


New member
$$$ maybe.

I checked with Mario at AT and he said they use a different bar (I think).

not familiar with Ursa Minor. Do they use a torsion bar for there Element camper. No right? That probably opens like a Westie?

I don't know...I think I may be looking at a custom fabrication job, but who the hell is gonna be able to make a torsion bar to spec? I'm at a loss, and it's gonna cost a pretty penny. Maybe I'll have a dozen made and re-sell...
i was calling them about the torsion bar before February, i had all the money for the bar and everything, and then it ended up going to bills. i never told them about it, so they should have been assuming i was still on the list waiting for a phone call....

never received a call or anything.
after reading your trials and tribulations, i think i should try and come op with a way around the torsion bar. similar to the XVJP. a conversions would be pretty nice, something that uses commonly available pars in the even that anything does break, you arent out 400 more dollars and 6-12 months of camping.

I still havent even used my FP. but that could also be because it isnt anywhere near a useable state.


New member
So let me get this straight. You've been waiting for a torsion bar for the last seven months, I've been waiting for over six months, and I know by FRP's own words that there are a handful of others waiting. It's kind of a no-brainer here.
1. If so many people are having trouble with the bar (as in they are breaking), then perhaps there is a problem with the product...Solution = get a new manufacturer of the torsion bar.
2. If your manufacturer can't meet delivery and orders are backed up SEVEN months out....Solution = get a new manufacturer of the torsion bar.

Easier said than done one may think. I'd respond by saying, this problem has been going on for over a year...just read other threads. Seems like a year or so is enough time to correct a known problem. Not doing so is not good business. Actually knowingly distributing a faulty product with known parts and replacement issues seems like "substandard marketplace behavior" (took that one from the Better Business Bureau)


Bump! Have you guys had any luck in getting your replacement t-Bars for your Flip Pac? It was asked How mutch a replacement bar costs, but I saw no answers. If rust is the problem. Should'nt they be coated with some kind of flexible rubber coating?


New member
Still waiting for mine. Been about 4 months now. First time I called they were $250. Now, they are $300. Anyway, I plan on buying two. One to fix mine and the other to have reverse engineered by someone here.


New member
I got my replacement bar in November. I lost track of how long I waited....9 months I think. I haven't installed yet but hopefully will be tackling it this weekend. I've also been wondering about putting some type of flexible viscus rubber over the bar. Flex Seal or something. Oh and I paid upwards of $350 with shipping for a new torsion bar. Someone should re-engineer these things.


I called FRP last week and they gave me the same reply as every one else. Except they said the torsion bar was now $365 plus sipping. How can you up the price continously on a product you cant supply!

I hope another manufacturer comes forward.


I hope my torsion bar lasts 10+ years like some I have read about. If/when if does fail I will look into temorary attachment of a linear actuator to the left side cap lid. That is were all of the torsion bar stress is on the top lid anyway and it shouldbe able to handle the stress. The cap might need reinforcement at the attachment point. The pro vs torsion bar is that there wouldn't be any force applied to the closed lid - I have seen pictures of some flippac tops with distortion of the left side of the lid from the constant torsion bar force. The con vs torsion bar is that you would need a battery but I would guess that a jumper from the truck battery would work fine and when open the linear actuator would be in the way of the driver side rear door so it couldn't be opened.


Expedition Leader
timber and i have done away with the torsion bar all together. we have made a "lifting pole" for lack of better term. we simply attach the pole to the lid and lift it open, it was awkward the first time cause the pole was too short, but with a longer pole its a piece of cake, the best part is no spring tension on anything. i dont know about timber, my pole replaces the one for the hammock and is only used to open/close so its still avail for hammock duty if i want. i dont have a decent pic of the lifting pole, but its simply an attachment to the new driver side support bar.



Great idea. Your support bar looks grey, is it aluminum or steel or PVC pipe? The standard small supports on the fenders probably wouldn't be strong enough to support the lid without a torsion bar though. In many applications the front bumper is too far forward of the lid to be used as a support.

I wonder if the crank handle was made much longer, like twice as long, if that would work. then use a tie down to hold the handle in the lid open position and use the regular lid supports in addition. I hope I don't have to experiment with this for a long time or ever.
I just put my Flippac back together yesterday and opened and closed it using a "push pole" aka 2x6 I had lying around. Quite terrifying. I had to stand on a chair, then put one foot on the front bumper, and give it a hearty shove to get it to close, and when it did it went so fast that I couldn't grab the cargo strap that I had hooked to the top so it slammed shut.

This is a process I don't think I'd like to do afield.

Are you able to open and close yours with the push pole by yourself or are you enlisting the help of some unwitting stranger?

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